Teleflora's Twinkling Stars Bouquet
Holiday gatherings sparkle with this joyful winter rose bouquet that's adorned with festive silver ornaments and presented in a delightful ceramic ornament! Its shimmering stars and shiny, hand-painted finish will make it a décor favorite for many holidays to come.
Holiday gatherings sparkle with this joyful winter rose bouquet that's adorned with festive silver ornaments and presented in a delightful ceramic ornament! Its shimmering stars and shiny, hand-painted finish will make it a décor favorite for many holidays to come.
Holiday gatherings sparkle with this joyful winter rose bouquet that's adorned with festive silver ornaments and presented in a delightful ceramic ornament! Its shimmering stars and shiny, hand-painted finish will make it a décor favorite for many holidays to come.
All prices in USD ($)
11" H
14" W
Standard - $60.00
11" H
14 1/2" W
Deluxe - $74.99
11" H
15" W
Premium - $84.99